Welcome to the Exterminatus (EX) website. EX is a team based, Warhammer 40,000 themed, total conversion for the Source game engine (as used in Half-Life 2). EX features teams of players playing as Imperial Space Marines, Tyranid xenos from beyond the galatic rim or heretical Chaos Space Marines. EX has been developed by the team that brought you Rival Species for Half-life. The Extermintus has been open to the public to play for several years. Full releases are stable, tested, long term versions that you can get the latest full version from our Downloads page. |
NewsNew Marine Player ModelsWarhammer 40k fan and Source artist Joazzz has contributed to Exterminatus a set of new space marine player models and skins. Joazzz seems to have really responded to the previous news item about how excited everyone was about him making new marines and finally managed to deliver on his promise. If you already have version 9.22 you can upgrade by extracting the patch to your Sorucemods folder, where it will overwrite some of the files in your ex folder. The ModDB mirrors unlock at 13:00 BST, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from 40ksource.com. Please try the ModDB first. Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
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![]() Features
![]() Known Issues
Future Plans Joazzz is working on an overhaul for the dreadnaught and has offered to re-skin the scout to match the new marine models he's contributed. Joazzz has also expressed an interest is making new chaos marine variants. A set of templates and instructions for re-skinning the new marine models is ChromeAngel's next piece of work, to enable anyone to make their own chapter skins for these shiny new marine models. ![]() by ChromeAngel - Today at 12:27:38 PM - Discuss Important Exterminatus NewsSorry, it a bit overdue, but we've got another stable release of Extermainatus for all you 40k fans. This version features an announcer system with custom events for each of the three teams, updated voice lines and maps. There is no patch to upgrade from 9.21, this version requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the previous stable build. Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
Install the latest Exterminatus
The option to create Desktop shortcut has been added to the installer, this will launch the EX with Steam Overlay support (which does not work if you start a mod from the Steam library). This shortcut depends on the Source Multiplayer SDK being installed in the default Steam Library location, so may not work on all systems. Developer News Mod leader ChromeAngel has decided, after twelve years of continual development, not to do any new development on EX. As the only coder, animator, news writer, release manager he's decided to limit himself to just what needs to be done to implement others work to EX (which has all but stopped since July 2018). This release represents ChromeAngel's efforts to make good on that goal and integrate as many of the backlog of contributions into the mod as possible. A detailed change log of all the new features, tweaks, bug fixes and balance changes since the last major release can be found on the Moddb article What's new in 9.22 The EX contributors were disappointed to learn that Kharos found the workload of creating new animations for the new space marine models (announced with the last major release) was too much for him. Shortly after Joazzz revealed that he'd also changed his mind about contributing those same space marine models to EX, further crushing the community spirit. Sadly it looks like we won't be seeing those hot new models in EX after all. Future Plans Without new contributions of content, this could well be the last release of Exterminatus. Games will continue to be scheduled and organised through the EX Steam Community Group for anyone that wants to play. Twelve years is a good run for a mod, we've learnt a lot, played thousands of rounds and purged tens of thousands of xenos and heretics. MAY THE EMPERORER'S LIGHT SHINE ON YOU ALL
![]() by ChromeAngel - January 10, 2019, 10:27:56 PM - Discuss Version 9.22 Release Candidate 4This week's release is version 9.21, the fourth candidate for the final version of Exterminatus. This version includes a fix for the countdown and updates to ex_exchange and csm_trench. There is not patch upgrade from 9.21, this requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the previous stable build. Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
Install the latest Exterminatus Release Candidate
The ModDB mirrors unlock at 16:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from 40ksource.com. Please try the ModDB first. Tweaks
Future Plans Providing no new issues are found in version 9.22, a long-term, stable, version will be released in late-December. ![]() by ChromeAngel - December 23, 2018, 04:39:18 PM - Discuss |
LinksNews About Download Manual Forum Media Contacts RSSOffsite LinksRival SpeciesGames Workshop Steampowered Rival Species 2 Extrrminatus Game Discord |
About ExterminatusThe three sides are featured in the current version of EX are the Imperium of Man (represented by marines of he Adeptus Astartes), the Tyranid Hive Mind (represendted by creatures of Hive Fleet Behemoth) and the Chaos Legions (represented by chaos marines of the Black Legion). Each of the many 40k themed maps in EX plays through a series of objectives, capturing the final objective delivers victory to your team. Players that do well in combat or by capturing objectives are rewarded with the option to play better classes. Each team has several playable classes, each with their own weapons and play style. Missiosn vary from defense of towering gothic, imperial cities to the mechanised forge worlds of the adeptus mechanicus and the frozen wastes of Tasis IV. |
More information about the gameplay of EX can be found in the player manual. If you have any questions please feel free to post them on our Discord or the game group discussion board. | ||
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