Siege Drill and PowerFist

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++ Dreadnaught ++ Flame Weapons ++ Power Weapons

Siege Drill and PowerFist Stats
Ammo per magazine 60 thermal units
Range Medium-short
Rate of Fire Fast
Damage Moderate

Siege Drill and PowerFist

The priomary attack of this weapon combination is actually the flamer slung under the powerfist. These flamers are very similar to that used by space marine weapon specialists, with one very important exception. Dreadnaughts carry enough fuel to last an entire battle without relaoding. However the flamer will overheat if used continously and will need to cool down between bursts.

Siege Drills are designed to grind through reinforced fortifications. Compared to such fortifiations any tyranid armor is fragile. A siege drill can kill a Genstealer with a single blow and make sort work of even large more monsterous creatures. The siege drill is the secondard attack in the weapon combaination due to it's relatively short range.

Dreadnaughts come equipped with a set of single use, smoke grenade, launchers as part of their wargear. Since the dreadnaught does not need to reload his weapon, smoke grenades are launched using the reload key. Each dreadnaught only gets 3 smoke grenades with which to deploy cover from tyranid weapons fire, but can get more froma an Ammo Shrine.

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